
You can apply 60 days before the TIE expires, and up to 90 days after the TIE expires.

Steps to request an extension of your study stay (compulsory to renew your TIE card)

What should I do to obtain the extension of my study stay?

IQS students who will continue their studies next year and whose Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) expires, must apply for an extension of stay for studies from 60 days before the TIE expires.

Documents required for the extension of stay for studies:

  • Valid passport
  • TIE Card
  • Form EX 00: you must download it and fill it out with your data. You can find it at the following link:
  • Academic certificate of achievement specifying enrolment for the next full academic course at IQS. You can request it writing to
  • Health insurance in Spain, which includes civil liability and without vesting periods or co-payments. We suggest you to consider OnCampus Estudia:, with whom we have a collaboration agreement at the Universitat Ramon Llull.
  • Prove financial means, presenting documentation of one of the three options:
    • Option A: Bank certificate with a fund of €7,250 that can be requested (in person or downloaded online) at the Spanish bank where you have the account open – option recommended.
    • Option B: Bank certificate of Spanish account with a balance of €3,600 + bank statements reflecting monthly income of at least €600 during the last 6 months.
    • Option C: Submit a legalised family aid letter with an updated apostille, signed by a sworn translator in Spain. Along with the letter, the Apostilled Birth Certificate with official translation must be presented to prove filiation.
  • Fee 790-052 and receipt of payment of the fee. You must download and complete it by selecting the option “Prórroga de la autorización de estancia por estudios, movilidad de alumnos, prácticas no laborales o servicios de voluntariado (titular principal y sus familiares)”. You will find the fee at: You can pay it at any bank. It costs €17.49. You can find more information about the fee at:

Request an Appointment to obtain the extension of stay for studies

What should I do when I am granted the extension of stay for studies to renew the TIE?

When you have been granted the extension of stay for studies, you must meet the following requirements for the request of the TIE: Remember that to get an appointment to renew the TIE, IQS can help you; go to the Student Help Desk for more information.

If I have submitted the application for an extension of stay for studies, can I leave the country, even if I do not have a renewed TIE?

Students who have submitted the application for extension of stay for studies can leave the country if they apply for the Return Authorization: Please note: