Have you ever had an interest in social volunteering? The IQS offers you the possibility to get in touch with organizations and volunteering proposals designed for you.
Next Thursday, October 3, from 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., the social volunteering offers that IQS offers to students through friendly organizations will be presented: details, schedules, possibilities,... even some people from the organizations where you can volunteer to get to know it first hand and so you can ask questions.
At IQS we believe that volunteering is a unique opportunity to give back to the world a minimal part of what you have received and it transforms you in such a way that it makes you men and women for others, with the ability and willingness to serve.Take advantage of it!
We are waiting for you next October 3 at 2:30 pm in classroom N2 (third floor main building) - the informative meeting will last only thirty minutes.